Monday, October 27, 2008

Speedy Gonzales!

Hello Everyone!-

I couldn't wait to get on here and post some things. Mia, as of just YESTERDAY, is cruising around the house!! It was like it all "clicked" somehow and she now can move from room to room on our hardwood floors! She grasped how to move forward. Although she still does not do a traditional crawl, she has learned this modified crawl. It's so funny. She basically uses her arms and keeps one leg turned in. It's hard to describe. I am going to try and put some pics and possibly a video of her doing this on this post. There seemed to be no real transition..she all of a sudden took off and can get anywhere she desires now. I don't know if she is ever going to really crawl the "right" way, but I am sure she doesn't care...she can get from point A to point B now.

She pulls up to her knees on our coffee table. It will be very soon that she can stand. I barely help her and she can get up and hold on while standing.

She imitates us now. We do this clicking thing with out mouths and she does it right back. She knows when I say "no" to keep doing it and see if she can get a reaction from me. I am noticing that now that she is quite the independent one, I am saying "no" much more often! ha ha. It all starts now! I feel like it all started yesterday. Giacomo and I were amazed. She crawled all the way from our living room to the kitchen. I do find it easier to just put her on the ground and do her thing. I like it better!

Anyway...I am going to post some pics with another post. I have some things to do now and it don't have the time. Hopefully later today, I'll be able to get them on here.

Just wanted you all to know this latest development with our peanut! Boy, is she really getting big! This was a big milestone I believe.

The Bellomos

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Hello again

Hi Everyone. We are back. Mia is cute as ever, but that really isn't any different from any other post! lol. We had a scare in my family, my father had to have double bypass heart surgery on October 10th. What was supposed to be a routine angiogram to remove what they thought was a small blockage, turned out to be open heart surgery. My dad was in the hospital the entire week from Monday until now. He had to wait about 5 days before going to surgery. Anyway, he pulled through with flying colors. He is obviously moving slow. They are planning a discharge for tomorrow or Friday. All said and done, he will have been in the hospital just shy of 2 weeks. It's been a bit rough and the reason I have not posted anything recently. I brought Mia to the hospital today to see him for the first time. He has a private room and felt comfortable doing this.

As for our Mia, she is still not crawling, but moving around quite a bit. We put her on the floor now much more often to do her thing. She can get around. She turns and moves herself backwards. It's so funny. She can also get into a sitting position from her belly, something I think we noticed about 2 weeks ago or so. She does this complete split as she pushes her way up to a seated position. Babies, boy are they limber! She makes the razz sound much more often. She imitates me when I do this "clearing my throat" sound. It's so funny. She hasn't quite learned how to pull herself up to her feet yet. She will kneel, but then that's it. She is making more sounds. I guess she is putting more consanants and vowels together. It's just such an amazing thing to watch her grow and change. The changes are so subtle sometimes, but when you're with her everyday, you definitely notice them.

I have just started to think about her first birthday plans and also taking her for some professional pics for her year birthday and for christmas. I'll let you know as things get underway.

On top are some current pics of the peanut. Hope you enjoy them.
Love, Mia, Amy & Giacomo xoxoxoxoxo