Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Nothing Really Changed! 39 Weeks

Ok, so here we are...into our 39th week. I went to the Doctors on Monday, Christmas Eve. I am STILL 1 Centimeter dilated with nothing really going on. The fluid around the baby looks good, my blood pressure is good, etc. So all of this is GOOD except the fact that we still have to wait a bit! UGHHH.....

They did a non stress test and the heartrate is great and no contractions...guess she is just too happy in there. I don't blame her in a way!

So, she didn't come for Christmas 2007.

The plan is as next appointement is this coming Monday, the 31st, or New Years Eve! If I do not go into labor naturally before this, and everything looks good at this upcoming appt, (I will be 40 weeks this Saturday, my due date is December 29th) he discussed 3 options. I could come in next Thursday for an induction, c-section or wait another week until the next Monday, which would put us at January 7th I believe, and definitely do an induction or csection that week depending on how big the baby is according to ultrasound.

Giacomo and I think that if she does not come by this coming Monday, the 31st of December, we will set up an induction next week, I believe on Thursday. I feel I have to try for at least having her vaginally. I would regret not at least trying if I just set up a c-section. My doctor will do an induction at this point because I am will be into my 40th week.

So we'll just take it day by day...but we may have a baby before the weekend of January 5th and 6th! Just in time for the RUTGERS BOWL GAME TOO! Daddy may have another fan to watch the game with this day!

So in the meantime, I will be going to the gym, returning some Christmas gifts, and just waiting to POP.

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas!

I also have a feeling I will be taking another 40 week Belly Pic this Saturday...something I was hoping I wouldn't be doing! ha ha

Talk to you soon!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

The Nursery

Our Nursery is ready, just waiting for one particular person!

Update at 38 Week Appt!

Hello again! So Giacomo and I went for our 38 week appt. yesterday or Monday, December 17, 2007! Mia STILL showing no real signs of going anywhere. I am 1 cm dilated, but that's about it. She has moved down a little, but no real "engagement" into my pelvis just yet. Even though with all the aches and pains I get, I could swear otherwise.

I went to the gym to walk as usual yesterday and will go again each day this week. I read that all of this doesn't really make a difference as far as when she will come. I really think this is up to mother nature. It makes me feel good to walk, so this is why I do it.

So, it's still a waiting game. I am very uncomfortable at this point. Laying down and finding a comfy position is difficult and laying on my back, forget it. I totally feel suffocated. Guess she is resting on every organ by now!

I am finding things to do during the day. I have been studying and taking tests for renewal of my certification being a nurse. I have just a couple of tests more and will be renewed. I am happy I finished this before the baby comes, considering I will not have too much time after her arrival! So this has made me feel better.

I am assuming if she doesn't come this week, we will be discussing an induction date at my appt. next Monday for the following week, which would put us at Decemeber 31st, the following Monday.

I am sure Giacomo will have her for the Rutgers Bowl game on January 5th! They can cuddle together on the couch. How cute...can't wait to see him with his little girl. Come to think of it, we need some Rutgers gear for Mia. Have to ask Grandpa Sangiovanni to hook us up! He's the Rutgers crazed fan!

Ok, so talk to you all later. Hope Mia shows her pretty face soon.

Amy and Giacomo :):)

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Belly Pics

Because I started this site a bit late in my pregnancy, I am adding all my belly pics starting from the first, at week 13 until week 36, about 2 weeks ago. I hope I will not have to add week 40 for my sake! :) Some are out of order, so try to figure out which one is week 13, then 16, then 20, etc. (hint: just go from smallest to biggest) :)

Waiting and Waiting

Hi everyone...well its exactly 2 weeks until my our due date of Decemeber 29, 2007! Just wanted to let you know what's going on. As of now, my Dr. does not see me going into labor anytime soon. I was not dilated as of 2 weeks ago and don't feel too much going on. Get occasional mild cramps from time to time, but that seems to be the extent of it!

Giacomo and I go tomorrow morning to the doctor for our 38 week visit. We'll see what the story is and if Mia really wants to come for Christmas or not! Something tells me she's happy where she is in my "homemade jacuzzi" and doesn't care to see our beautiful tree this year. :) I am a bit uncomfortable now, depending on how she moves her little self. When she decides that resting directly under my ribs is comfortable, well, then, that's when I really want it to be over!!

I'll write back and keep you all posted with more details!

Can't wait to not be pregnant anymore and meet this little one!
