Monday, December 29, 2008

MIA TURNS ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And enjoyed a SUPER First Christmas!!!!

LOTS going on! I have so much to do so this will be a very quick note! I'll write more soon. Mia is ONE TODAY!!!! I CANNOT BELIEVE IT!! We had a big party for her yesterday. We had 30 people and kiddies at our house. It went well! Lots of kids in our basement. Mia had a super time. She played with everyone, got a hole in her tights, and wanted to kiss all the little boys...boy are we in trouble! lol.

Her christmas was super as well. We went to Giacomo's aunt and uncle's as they have their traditional italian xmas eve with all the fish and festivities. Mia stayed up until we left, about 10:45. She was out on the car ride home. She loved her cousins and was very much the center of attention. On Christmas, my parents came over early and we opened gifts. Mia was more interested in the wrapping paper than the gifts, but oh well. We went to my inlaws in the early afternoon with my parents. It was a very nice day. This past Saturday, the day before we had Mia's big fete, we went to my parents, where we had our post xmas day. I didn't see my brother and Nick for Christmas and neither did my parents, so we all came together at my parents and had dinner and exchanged gifts. It extends Christmas and I love doing this! I am SO TIRED and worn out after all the parties etc. Oh, we had a friends xmas party on Friday night. My parents took Mia home with them on Dec. 26th, the night of our friends party, in the afternoon, they slept over here xmas night. We went to the party and then on Saturday did as much as we could in the morning for Mia's big bash on Sunday and then left for my parents to go to see my family and get Mia. We didn't take her home on Saturday night because we left late and she was so tired. So my parents kept her another night and brought her up to our house yesterday, the day of her birthday party. Can you see now why having a December baby is NUTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'll post some pics the next few days. I'm too crazy now to do it. Want to finish cleaning up from yesterday and then enjoy the day with our peanut. Mia's birthday falls on the Rutgers Bowl Game. So, we'll be having cake and watching the game!!! :):)

Talk to you all soon!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Back with some updates and pics!

Hi Everyone-
I have posted some pics as I promised of Mia the past few weeks. My parents babysat Mia the past couple of days. When they brought her here today she did this cute new thing. When you ask her "what does grandpa do when he has a headache?" She puts her hands on her head and rocks back and forth. My dad taught ther this. It was very cute. She now points to just about everything. She dances whenever there is any kind of music. She is cruising from one side of the couch to the other. She can reach the piano we have from a standing position. She just did this today. She is really, really starting to imitate and understand us more and more. It doesn't take her long to do something when you ask her to do it. It's the best.

Anyway, I'm not going to write long here. I have so much to do with the hoidays and her first birthday bash coming up! God, if we have another baby, I am sure to make sure their birthday is FAR from December! LOL.

Talk to you all soon and I hope you enjoy the pics!!


Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Countdown to A YEAR!!

Hello All!
Well, it is December 9th as I write this. I CANNOT believe our peanut is going to be a year in about 3 weeks!!! It seems like yesterday when I first created this site and was still pregnant. WOW!
Things have been very busy over here as you can probably imagine. The holidays bring joy and some stress as well! We went for family/Mia pics at Kiddie Kandids at Babies R Us the end of November. The week of Thanksgiving actually. The prep work is never fun, however, the pics came out very cute I think. We got 6 shots. We put Mia in 2 outfits. She was overall very good about the whole thing. She needed some coercing at the end to smile, and we managed to get some good stuff!
I sent out my xmas cards about a week ago. I am happy that is complete! I took Mia to the Livinston mall on Decmber 4th, just me and her, to go see Santa and get her her first good pair of shoes! She was very good with the "big man". She didn't cry, but didn't smile either. I think she was a bit mesmorized by the whole thing!
As for updates with the peanut, she is now cruising along the couch! She just started doing this about 3-4 days ago. She was only pulling herself to a standing position and just staying there. Now she is moving those little legs and getting more and more condifent it seems every time. She has cut her third tooth also. I am not sure if I mentioned this or not. I have the exact date in my baby book, but I think it was the end of November! It's one the bottom on her right side next to the first two. She started to say "baba" now. Giacomo noticied this just yesterday which I thought was a good observation for a man! ha ha. It means she's putting her lips together now and just increasing her babbling ability! So cool! I have yet to hear "mama", but I am working on it! There are so many things it seems she is doing new everyday lately. She dances on command..shakes her booty when she sits on the floor. It's adorable. She just started to "point" also as of yesterday! She makes this like gun shape with her hand. I guess she is understanding how to show me what she is "talking" about. She definitely is "taking everything" in now and I can see how Giacomo and I must be careful about what we say and do now! She understands "give a kiss", "wave bye bye", I am teaching her how to give a hug, which she'll do right after I show her. It's SO Cute! She puts her head on my shoulder! I can just eat her up! lol. What else, I am trying to introduce her more now to table food and just food with a chunkier texture. I give her basically anything we eat as long as it can be chopped small and is soft. I am a bit paranoid about the whole choking thing. She does pretty well most of the time. Every now and then, she gags a bit. I am trying to push her a little more and not get so crazy! I spoke with a pediatrician at St. Pete's and he told me to try some more things. She is just really becoming a little person now. It's the most amazing thing ever!!
I am so happy to spend Christmas with her. It is her first Christmas as you all know, and she will be just shy of a year old! I am also having a first birthday party for her December 28th. We are keeping it fairly small, maybe about 25-30 people. I just ordered the invitations. It was a bit late. I realize how crazy it is to have a baby at Christmastime!
I have to go now. I have errands to run with the peanut. I will be sure to add more info. as I am sure I did not think of everything and also add her most recent pics! There are always new pics! lol.
Take care and talk to you all soon!

The Bellomos!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Some pics!

Here are some new pics of Mia from the past few weeks as promised! Enjoy!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Busy but happy!

Hi! Mia started just the past few days to not be so interested in eating anymore. She turns her head from side to side when I try to feed her. It's becoming quite a challenge now! So many people told me this happens. I assume the days of stress free feeding sessions is over! I think I burned about 100 calories trying to entertain her while I fed her. It seems to be the only trick that works. One of the main reasons for this post is a major milestone for our Mia. On November 16th, she pulled herself up in my mother in law's crib to a standing position. Of course she held the rail and was a bit wobbly, but it was a definite milestone! She can get up on her feet in the pack-n-play now, but has a hard time doing it near the couch. I am going today, hopefully, to look at good shoes for her. I think it will be very soon that she will start "cruising" and I want her to have good support. I try to let her go barefoot because she has traction on our wood floors this way, but her feet get cold. I heard too that letting them go barefoot is good to help them develop their arches, etc. Anyway, shoe shopping time it is! I'll let you know how it goes! As for other things, she does the "how big is Mia thing" very well now, she claps her hands on request, she babbles dada, still and rambles other things. I guess it seems just stronger and more defined now. Oh, that's the other thing...last week when I was at my mother's for the entire week practically because Giacomo was in Guam, my mom told Mia "no" as she was trying to pull herself up on something that was not steady. Well, Mia's feeling were SO hurt that she started sobbing immediately! I heard from the other room and came running and said "what the heck happened?!" My mother felt so bad but thought it was cute at the same time how she was so hurt by what she said. My point is just that her personality is developing more everyday. We both found this quite amazing. Giacomo did it just the other day and the tears were flowing. I felt so did he. I guess we have a sensitive little girl!!
I am planning on enrolling Mia in a music class with one of my friends and her kids. It runs from Jan to March looks so great. They sing, dance, play instruments, etc. I think this is so important and want Mia to start to really socialize and start loving music. I'll keep you posted.
We go for Christmas pics of her next Monday. I have like 3 outfits ready. I hope all goes smooth!! I have so much to do with shopping, Christmas cards, etc, etc. as does everyone this time of year!
Mia still has just the bottom 2 teeth. I still give her 97% jarred baby food. If we have something I can mash up, I'll give it to her, like cooked carrots, peas, macaroni cut very small, bananas, etc. We give her Yobaby yogurt at night every so often. She loves it. I guess that's all for now. I'll be busy from now to the holidays.
For Mia's first Thanksgiving, we are spending it at my mother in laws. My family, my parents, my brother and his boyfriend, Giacomo's uncle, my Uncle will all be there. I am looking very forward to spending a big holiday for the first time with our peanut. Remember, she came Dec. 29th last these are all firsts! I have a cute outfit for her for Thanksgiving and for the holidays. Can't wait to put her in them!!! Ok, I am STOPPING writing! lol.

Talk to you all soon and I will post pics in my next entry. I got one of her standing for the first time. It is in this weeks pics, so I'm not ready to put it up yet. lol. Take care and have a great Thanksgiving if I do not get on here before then!!

LOVE and PEACE always,
The Bellomos :):)

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Pics and Updates


I know I promised pics in the last post I think. Sorry! Just got caught up with other things. Anyway, Mia has been doing some new things. She gets around no problem still with her "modified" crawl. She just started today, this week, to raise her arms well when you ask her "How big is Mia?" It's so, so cute. If you tell her clap her hands, she understands this as well and does it! It's the best! These are definite milestones and achievements. She started doing the How big is Mia thing about a week or so ago, but she really understands it now and raises her arms wide. Those are the main 2 things I wanted to tell you about. She doesn't stand yet, but I assume it is not too far off in our future. I have made a date for her first birthday. It will be December 28th, a day before her actualy birthday. It's a Sunday. We will only have immediate family and some close friends and their children. I am excited about it. I have been looking at invitation, etc. I also have a date to get her holiday pictures/1year pics taken on November 24th. I didn't want to wait too long as I was afraid I wouldn't get my holiday cards out in time if I did it later. As you can see, between her first birthday and her first Christmas things are going to be a bit busy! They are so close! ughhhhh

I think that is about all for now. She is eating like a champ and just doing great. I started giving her teething biscuits. She does well with them. Oh, yeah, Halloween was fun. We took her into Morristown where the local businesses/stores give out candy. It was so crowded but Mia loved it. Mommy and daddy enjoyed the candy! lol. She was a Rutgers Cheerleader! People liked the outfit. Anyway, here are some pics which are long overdue! Her 10 month pics are in there as well as Halloween. Take care all! Can't believe she's 10 months!!! Yikes!

The Bellomos

Monday, October 27, 2008

Speedy Gonzales!

Hello Everyone!-

I couldn't wait to get on here and post some things. Mia, as of just YESTERDAY, is cruising around the house!! It was like it all "clicked" somehow and she now can move from room to room on our hardwood floors! She grasped how to move forward. Although she still does not do a traditional crawl, she has learned this modified crawl. It's so funny. She basically uses her arms and keeps one leg turned in. It's hard to describe. I am going to try and put some pics and possibly a video of her doing this on this post. There seemed to be no real transition..she all of a sudden took off and can get anywhere she desires now. I don't know if she is ever going to really crawl the "right" way, but I am sure she doesn't care...she can get from point A to point B now.

She pulls up to her knees on our coffee table. It will be very soon that she can stand. I barely help her and she can get up and hold on while standing.

She imitates us now. We do this clicking thing with out mouths and she does it right back. She knows when I say "no" to keep doing it and see if she can get a reaction from me. I am noticing that now that she is quite the independent one, I am saying "no" much more often! ha ha. It all starts now! I feel like it all started yesterday. Giacomo and I were amazed. She crawled all the way from our living room to the kitchen. I do find it easier to just put her on the ground and do her thing. I like it better!

Anyway...I am going to post some pics with another post. I have some things to do now and it don't have the time. Hopefully later today, I'll be able to get them on here.

Just wanted you all to know this latest development with our peanut! Boy, is she really getting big! This was a big milestone I believe.

The Bellomos

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Hello again

Hi Everyone. We are back. Mia is cute as ever, but that really isn't any different from any other post! lol. We had a scare in my family, my father had to have double bypass heart surgery on October 10th. What was supposed to be a routine angiogram to remove what they thought was a small blockage, turned out to be open heart surgery. My dad was in the hospital the entire week from Monday until now. He had to wait about 5 days before going to surgery. Anyway, he pulled through with flying colors. He is obviously moving slow. They are planning a discharge for tomorrow or Friday. All said and done, he will have been in the hospital just shy of 2 weeks. It's been a bit rough and the reason I have not posted anything recently. I brought Mia to the hospital today to see him for the first time. He has a private room and felt comfortable doing this.

As for our Mia, she is still not crawling, but moving around quite a bit. We put her on the floor now much more often to do her thing. She can get around. She turns and moves herself backwards. It's so funny. She can also get into a sitting position from her belly, something I think we noticed about 2 weeks ago or so. She does this complete split as she pushes her way up to a seated position. Babies, boy are they limber! She makes the razz sound much more often. She imitates me when I do this "clearing my throat" sound. It's so funny. She hasn't quite learned how to pull herself up to her feet yet. She will kneel, but then that's it. She is making more sounds. I guess she is putting more consanants and vowels together. It's just such an amazing thing to watch her grow and change. The changes are so subtle sometimes, but when you're with her everyday, you definitely notice them.

I have just started to think about her first birthday plans and also taking her for some professional pics for her year birthday and for christmas. I'll let you know as things get underway.

On top are some current pics of the peanut. Hope you enjoy them.
Love, Mia, Amy & Giacomo xoxoxoxoxo