Sunday, August 24, 2008

Quick update

Hey Everyone,

Just a quick note. Mia is really getting bigger. She gets up on her hands and knees now and rocks. She still hasn't started crawling just yet, but I know it is not far off in our future. Mia is almost 8 months old now. This coming Friday she will be 8 months. It is hard to believe. She is such a big girl. She wants EVERYTHING. Whatever she sees, she reaches hard and long for. She is intrigued by remotes and phones, just like everyone told us. My mother bought her a play cell phone and play remote. She loves 'em.

She imitates me now. She squeals and I squeal and then she squeals and so on. She knows now to imitate and follow. She does it better and it's very cute.

We went to the Mets game last night. We were going to take Mia, but when we realised it was a night game, it would be too hard for her. If it were a day game, we would have definitely taken her. I am hoping her first game will be a Mets game instead of Yankees. I want her first impression of a good team to be the Mets! ha ha. So, doesn't look like her first MLB game will be this season. We'll see if we take her next year. By then she'll be walking and I do not think we'll enjoy the game as much! ha ha She stayed at my mother in laws last night. She stayed with my mother the night before. She has been a gypsy. I miss her. Going to pick her up shortly. We are going to the city today down to the village to visit my friend and go to the jazz festival there. It will be Mia's second time in the city. I am looking forward to it. I think Mia will be mesmerized by all the sounds and people. The last time we took her was in April. She was still pretty itty bitty. We'll see how we do. I'll let you all know how it goes.

I guess that's all for now. I'll be in touch very soon with my 8 month pics (mia and her monthly sign that she now likes to try and eat and crumple up) and hopefully some pics of her trip to NYC today. I want to bring her to the city as much as possible. I want her to know what amazing cultures, arts, and opportunities there are for her right next door.
Also, last Saturday my brother, John and Nick were at my parents and we saw them when we stopped at my parents on our way back from Wildwood. I didn't realize that John had not seen Mia since her birth. It just told me how fast time flies. I as happy he had a chance to see her again. It was a nice day. I have some pics posted here from this day as well.

Here are some pics from the past week. Hope you all enjoy them.

Lots of Love and Kisses from our Mia.


Monday, August 18, 2008

Some new milestones :):)

Hello Everyone! Well, let's see...since the last time I posted, Mia has added some new things to her repertoire. She has now started to go from a sitting position to her belly and then elevates her chest and legs to the crawling position. She hasn't started officially crawling yet at all, however, this past Friday on August 15th, we put her on the floor and she got on her belly and then inched her way backwards using just her arms. She would push up, almost like doing a push up, and then would push herself backwards and go down to her belly and then push up with her arms again, etc., etc. She pushed herself all the way to the wall of our condo in Wildwood. It was so cute! She isn't coordinated just yet to get the crawling thing going, but she is definitley showing signs of wanting to get around now. Just about everytime I sit her up now, it is a matter of time before I see her on her belly trying to go somewhere. She really starting doing this last week for the most part. We went to our beach condo all last week. We left on August 10th and stayed until the 16th. We were there for my 34th birthday. It was uneventful in the sense that I am not thrilled with the number too much anymore, ha ha, but I couldn't ask for a better birthday because I spent it on the beach with my favorite 2 people. It was relaxing, refreshing and so great.

What else, oh, Mia now has 2 teeth. I am not sure if I posted this before. She cut the first in mid July at about 6.5 months and the second came in in the beginning of August. They are so cute! It hurts to let her chew on my finger now!

Her personality has really seemed to personify this month as well. She now objects if you take something she is holding away from her. This became more intense I would say actually just this week. I took the remote control away from her and boy, did she have a fit! :)

She also started to understand repetition and imitation. Just yesterday after she was squealing in delight and waving her arms at the same time, I did the same thing right after she did this. She watched me, and did it again after me. I did it again and then so did she. She KEPT doing this for a bunch more times! It was SO, SO cute. She understood I was imitiating her and was repeating it after me. I play peek a boo with her all the time and she definitely seems to be understanding object permenance now. The fact that I am still there even when she cannot see me. It is quite amazing. :):)

She sleeps, what I consider to be, very well. She goes to bed about 830ish and gets up about 6. She will cry in the middle of the night most of the time just once and all I do is give her a bottle with water and she is back to sleep in a second. I know I should stop going in and doing this as this is the reason she will still cry a bit at night, however, I am not ready to let her cry just yet. I don't have it in me to do this! I get plenty of sleep now, about 8 hours worth, so getting up for a second is no biggie. I will continue to do this until something changes. She gets up at about 6 and then I give her breakfast at 7. Lunch is anywhere from 12-1 and dinner is at 6. We have "pj time" at 7pm and then I'll read to her or put on some french "comptines" (nursery rhymes in french) and she pretty much has her last bottle about 8ish and is alseep by 830 9ish. This is as much of a routine as I follow. Her naps vary day to day. Generally she take 2-3 naps a day. Her first usually is like clockwork, about 2 hours from the time she awakes. So this is about 9am. She usually sleeps about an hour on average, however some days she'll do 2-3! I love these days! ha ha. She takes 2 more naps during the day after her morning nap and these times completely vary depending on my day and what we're doing. I don't schedule my day around her naps, I know she'll get them in at some time. The only problem is sometimes she doesn't sleep great during the day and she'll wind up falling asleep at about 6ish. When she does this, she doesn't get to bed until 9-10 ish. I don't like too much when this happens but I really don't ever want to wake her up from a good sleep, so I manage. This doesn't happen too much, but it does occasionally. So this is basically her schedule.

She is eating just about every stage 2 food there is. I have tried all types of fruits and vegetables. She has had lamb, (thanks to Giacomo) She did not take to this very well and I don't blame her, but daddy wants her palate to be accustomed to a variety of things. She has tried guava, mango, bluberries, beef yada yada. There isn't too much she doesn't like. Probably lamb and peas are her least favorite.

Let's see, what else. As far as mommy is concerned, ha ha, I'm working 2 days a week for the most part. I still love my job and the flexibility. I do my own schedule and work from 9-5 most days. Who could have it better with a baby?! I am blessed and don't take this for granted.

Well, I think this is about all for now. I will post some pics of our recent trip down to Wildwood last week.

Thanks for checking in to see how life with our peanut is going! We appreciate it!

Love Always,

Giacomo, Mia and Amy
Here is a video of Mia laughing at something I said. Of course I never know what's going to get her going, so when I see she enjoys it, mommy keeps on going! :):):) Enjoy!