Saturday, January 26, 2008

Mia is 4 weeks old today!

Hi everyone! It's been a while since I have posted anything..guess I'm busy changing diapers and such! Anyway, I'll update you with what's been going on. Since about week 2 of Mia's life, she started getting terrible gas! She sufferered from excrutiating gas pains and left me helpless and teary. It was the pits! We saw the pediatrician and we changed her formula from Similac Advance to Carnation Good Start. She was on that for 5 days with no real change. We then, in desperation, changed to Similac Alimentum, a hypoallergenic formula where the proteins are broken down so much that they are basically predigested so Mia's immature GI system will have to do little work. We started her on this this past Sunday, so tomorrow will be a full week and so far we do see a difference. She has a fussy period at night, around 7pm or so, but does not seem to be having the full blown painful attacks she was having before. The last bad one was this past Tuesday...she still could have had the other formula in her system, so we must wait 7-10 days to accurately assess whether this formula is better. After Tuesday, things do seem to be a bit better. I'm crossing my fingers!

On a better note, just this past week, Mia really seems to be making changes! She stares intently on us, follows us with her eyes and has begun to coo! She tries to talk back! It's the best! Can't believe she is getting bigger already! We are enjoying her more everyday. Also, we went to the pediatrician's yesterday, and she weighs 9. 7 pounds! Three more pounds than her birthweight! She loves her stomach for sure!

This past week I stayed at my mother in laws house so Giacomo could sleep and I could get some help. It was great. I may stay there a few days next week, only until Mia gets past this period.

She's not on any schedule yet, although this past week we did notice that she seems to be up more during the day and sleep at night, only to wake up for feedings. I'm still not getting any sleep, she is up every 2 hours to eat basically. Can't wait until she goes 3-4 hours. This will seem like a dream! ha ha

Mia met her cousins on Giacomo's side today! It was really great.

Anyway, I added some recent pictures. Hope you like them! Enjoy! Talk to you again soon!

Love, Giacomo, Amy and our Mia!

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Almost 2 weeks old!

Well, our Mia is almost 2 weeks old. Cannot believe it. Part of me feels like it has been longer since she has been here. We went to the pediatrician's office on Wednesday. She got her first vaccine, Hepatitis. I was just about in tears when she cried. She was a bit irritable that night, but I know how to soothe her now and it feels so nice doing this. I am DREADING her 2 month visit where she will get shots of vaccines and something to drink by mouth. The pediatrician warned us that this visit is not easy. I'm going to need Kleenex for 2 boxes! This will be very hard...I must be strong! Guess this is what being a mother is like! She weighs 7 pounds 8 ounces!! From 6 pounds 7 ounces, her birth weight! The pediatrician said we are doing a great job! YEAH!! I just don't want her to get big too fast :( My mom is still here helping, but she is leaving this Saturday. We have had a routine at night..she'll take Mia from like 11-12am until about 3 and then brings her to me and I keep her the rest of the night. She does this just to help me sleep a bit longer than 2 hours because our Mia is eating about every 2 the nights have been a bit difficult. I am loving every minute with her...I know this is temporary and love her this small so I am not taking any moment with her for granted. I guess this is about it! Talk to you all soon with a new post and new Mia happenings!

I am posting some more pics with this post! Hope you enjoy them!

Friday, January 4, 2008

Getting to know eachother!

Hey! Well, our Mia is one week old tomorrow! Old lady! :) It is so wonderful having her here. She sleeps 1-2 hours at a time and has an amazing appetite! If we don't get her bottle fast enough, boy, does she let us know!

My mom is here and taking night shifts so I can heal and I am taking full advantage of it, although last night I took her for the night and boy, was it great!

We are so in love of course and have been snuggling like crazy.

Here are some more pictures from the past week.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

More Pics :):)

And More Pics of Mia!

More Pics Of Our Little Angel!


We FINALLY had her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will tell details of her birth story another time...very busy at the moment. Just got home today! Here are some pics. Just a few details...

Mia Noelle was born on December 29, 2007 at 1:45 am by cesarean section because she would not turn! I got to 8cm and did not progress after that.

She weighed 6 pounds 7 ounzes, and was 19.75 inches long!

We are so in love and cannot picture our lives without her....I know we're bias, but we think she is ADORABLE.

We came home today, NEW YEARS DAY, after 3 days in the hospital because I was doing very well and so was Mia.


SEE YOU SOON! Here are some pics! You can click on any pic to see it bigger!